Well, I can’t believe this is the end of May already. This month seemed to fly by.

In book-related updates, I managed to read a lot. And I do mean A LOT. One of the reasons for this is the ongoing lockdown, of course, but I also found that I have found a way to enjoy audiobooks during my work hours.

I still have not swapped any books for “book jokers” (see explanation at the end of the post), so my current 2020 Mt. TBR shelves look like this – There is a visible change from last month and I am thrilled by that:

End of May Mt. TBR:

End of April Mt. TBR:

End of March Mt. TBR:

End of February Mt. TBR:

End of January Mt. TBR:

Start of the Year Mt. TBR:

The Stats:

Books read this month: 23 (May)
Mt. TBR Books read this month: 7
DNFs this month: 3

Women / Men / Team*: 50% / 45% / 5%
% of original Mt. TBR read: 34%

Available swaps (not made yet): 16 (+4 from previous month)

(* – of all books read since 01 January 2020)

Link to the original Mt. TBR (2020) post.

Rules – same as previously – are that I picked a stack of physical books off my shelves at home which I would try to read over the course of the year. If I pick another (yet unread) physical book off my shelves, I get to take one off the Mt. TBR shelves and put it on the regular shelf – as a substitute. In a change from previous years, new purchases (physical books only) will not be added to the Mt. TBR shelves – I will track these separately.

Original post: