
Well, hello there,

Thanks for checking out my blog. Please feel free to say hi. Or comment on a post. Or participate in a discussion. Whatever route you decide to take, please make yourself known.

As you may have gathered, this blog is mostly about books. I love them, but that’s not the whole story of why so much of this site is about reading. In fact, I was not even going to start a blog, but after two book cataloging sites became a little too unstable or too commercially biased for my liking, I have had to explore the great unknown that is the blogverse… So, please bear with me. I’m still learning as I go.

Also, I’ll some non-book-related features over time because despite appearances I do have other interests, like drinking tea, travel, tennis, and general adventuring. So, if there is something that makes me smile, marvel, or think, I’ll be sure to write about it.

But back to the books…

I’m an eclectic reader, but I do go through phases of different interests and binging on books on the same theme or by the same authors. Thrillers aren’t really my cuppa and I generally stay away from Romance and YA, but there isn’t really any genre I don’t read…

Oh, and I do like a good deal of biography, history and general non-fiction.

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