Reblogged from: BookLikes


Hello BookLikers.


BookLikes have encountered some temporary issues recently but we’re on air again!


BookLikes is live & running and broadcasting here and on social channels again. We have experienced some technical problems recently but we’d like to assure you that we’re doing all to sort them out to make BookLikes stable and fast again.


We know you’ve been struggling some hard times with BL recently. We owe you a big thank you for staying with us and supporting the site. BookLikes Bloggers are an amazing community and we hope to requite with our full engagement in making BookLikes better and better.


One more time sorry for this uncomfortable situation and for any inconvenience that you’ve experienced.


As always, we appreciate all the feedback. Please leave us a comment below or mail to Kate at We’ll do all to help and support.


All the best.

The BookLikes Team


Original post: