Good morning Friends,


The slowness of Booklikes, the unresponsiveness of both the website and its owners have driven a good many of us to seek out other “homes” and alternative book sites, blog sites, and other sites (I’m sure bars count as “sites”) to try and salvage what may be left of our online community, our blogging existence, and our sanity.

Whilst I will not leave BL until it completely ceases to exist, it seems many already have and many others are currently lurking because the site is unusable for them.

If you have other blogs or sites outside of Booklikes and you’d like to keep in touch with people from here, please add where we can find you in the discussion group

Non-Booklikes Member Blog URLs.

Or if BL is giving you a hard time loading pages, you can leave a comment on this post where else we can keep in touch. If BL lets me, I will try and add URLs from comments to the discussion group.

As for myself, you can find me on





Keep in touch.



Original post: